One day, NXP semiconductors called me and asked if I wanted to be the photographer for an international cookbook. As you might have expected by now, I said yes. Being the photographer for such a high-quality cookbook is an honour. And deliciously fun. Most of all, it is bliss to work in a team — the chefs, food stylists, and assistants, all collaborating to attain culinary (and visual) heights.
“When I was assigned to photograph an international cookbook I was delighted. Straight away, I envisioned myself strolling on spice bazars in Morocco. I dreamt of wandering around exotic open-air markets offering fresh-caught salmon, crab, oysters, and more. (Of course, it was not me who offered those ingredients. It was the people from the market. If I gave away all our ingredients on exotic markets, there would be nothing left to photograph. It would be a very unique cookbook.)”
Well, that was not to be.
Instead, we worked in a cooking studio for intense long days, while the sun did its own cooking outside. We had loads of fun and all learned so much.
With this great experience, I am excited a new cookbook will be in the making! Afghan Cuisine, by a beautiful cook.
Stay tuned …