Every portrait is a collaboration. When I photograph buildings or historic interiors, I carry the sole responsibility for the result. I don’t expect a building to take on a different pose, chairs to give me some insightful feedback, or a window to smile in a lovely way. But when I create a portrait, it becomes…
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Cookbook Kookboek
One day, NXP semiconductors called me and asked if I wanted to be the photographer for an international cookbook. As you might have expected by now, I said yes. Being the photographer for such a high-quality cookbook is an honour. And deliciously fun. Most of all, it is bliss to work in a team —…
Lees verderFoto-Tentoon-stelling "Mijnwerkers" Museum exposition retired coal miners
In opdracht van DSM portretteerde ik de transformatie van de voormalige mijnstreek. Ik fotografeerde drie oud-medewerkers van De Staatsmijnen: een medewerker, een opzichter en een ingenieur. Zij wonen vijftig jaar of langer in hun huis. Ik fotografeerde hun interieurs.
Lees verderHeritage Day Open Monumentendag
Every second weekend of september, people all over the Netherlands organize the “Open Monumentendag” (Heritage Day). On this day, thousands of historical buildings and sites are open to the public, free of charge.
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